A loan helped to buy important products for a crop of tomatoes and potatoes.

Liva's story

Liva is the father of his family. He is 38 years old. He and his wife have two children. His family lives in a rural village and he works as a farmer. Liva's wife owns a grocery store.

Liva is partnered with Vahatra in order to expand his business. Through this partnership, he was able to increase the land he plants on, which led to more capital. His revenue has increase since the beginning of his partnership and his family's quality of life has changed for the better.

With this new loan, Liva hopes to purchase the necessary materials to grow a crop of potatoes and tomatoes. He sells his harvest to vendors. Liva wants to save as much of his revenue as possible, in order to help expand his wife's business. In the future, they hope to become wholesalers.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Rebecca Smith.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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