The city of Portoviejo was hit by an earthquake on April 16, 2016. The city is rich in the production of vegetables, legumes, and tropical fruits for internal consumption.
Bryan is 22 years old, lives in free union, and has a 3-month-old son. His partner is a housewife and they live with their parents. Bryan works as an orchestra stage assistant; generally, he has events to attend to on the weekends. Also, at home, he takes advantage of the space to raise chickens. He has them for three to four months until they reach a good size and weight. Then, he sells them alive to business people or his neighbors. His partner and his father help him with some of the daily tasks.
With this new loan, he will buy chicks, vaccines, poultry waterers, corn, etc. His dream is to have his own house and for his family to be very healthy.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Soledad Merlo. View original language description.