A loan helped to invest in clean energy technology for her farm.

Betty's story

Betty is worried about the bad impact the daily manure produced by her nine cows. It is a huge problem for Betty ‘s farm. First of all, it attracts many flies and other insects. Then, the harmful pathogen contained contaminates the soil, pollutes the water and pollutes the air emitting greenhouse gases.

She heard about the Biodigester concept that “digest” the manure, recycling it into energy (Biogas) and eco-friendly fertilizer (Biol). This Biodigester is a cost-effective opportunity for Betty and her family.

She decided to invest in a Sistema Biobolsa to reduce her carbon footprint and to save the large space normally dedicated to store the manure.

This loan represents 63% of the full price of the biodigester; the remaining part was covered by a cash down payment and a government subsidy."

This loan is special because:

It saves farmers money by transforming waste into biogas and organic fertilizer.

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