A loan helped to buy cereals like maize, sorghum, rice, wheat, barley and millet to resell to make a profit so that she can educate her children.

Joyce's story

Joyce (pictured between her farming neighbours) is a mother of five children living in Kericho, a town surrounded by prime agricultural lands which favor large-scale grain farming, dairy and horticultural farming. Her confidence to experiment, along with the knowledge that she gathered when she was young, has enabled her to take on farming.

Joyce obtains her income through an agro vet business which she has practiced for the last 10 years. Over the years, she has realized a tremendous change in her life. She is also a dairy and crop farmer. Joyce earns income by selling her produce in her village.

Although Joyce has been making a profit from farming, she has identified a “market segment” for selling cereals. The only big challenge she faces is a lack of funds. She is requesting a loan to buy cereals. She intends to buy different varieties of cereals, like maize, sorghum, rice, wheat, barley, and millet, to sell in the local market.

A market for cereals is never a problem because the demand is always high, and Joyce plans to take advantage of that. Because of the good relationship she has with her neighbors, she plans to increase her market by using word-of-mouth to reach more customers and markets.

You can help this woman achieve her dreams with this loan, which will surely bring big profit. She is looking forward to your warm consideration.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

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