A loan helped to buy a biodigester to power his farm and home with his cows manure.

Kanyingi's story

Kanyingi is a farmer who calls Kiambu home. Kanyingi has 4 children. His goal is to increase his income from his farm to have savings for his children. He will do this by transforming his cows waste into renewable energy and organic fertilizer to save money and improve the productivity of his farm.

Kanyingi is investing in a Sistema Biobolsa biodigester to treat his cows manure, removing flies and bad smells while avoiding the contamination of underground water sources. He will replace the expensive LP gas with clean and renewable energy (biogas) and eliminate chemical fertilizers, thereby saving money and displacing fossil fuels-based inputs. At the same time, the yield of his vegetable field will improve naturally as he starts applying the organic fertilizer, nourishing the soil in a sustainable manner.

This loan represents 63% of the price of the biodigester; the remaining part is paid directly by Kanyingi .

This loan is special because:

It saves farmers money by transforming waste into biogas and organic fertilizer.

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