A loan helped a member to buy flower pots to sell.

Santa Monica Group's story

This is a new committee, made up of enterprising women who are striving for a better quality of living for their families. They are participating in the Poverty Elimination program where everyone fights to get ahead.

One of the members is Jazmin, who makes her living selling flower pots. She comments that with her modest work she generates the means to get ahead with her loved ones. She sees herself as a person who fights to get ahead so her family does not go without.

She is requesting this loan to buy a variety of flower pots to sell. In this way she can continue with her sales and satisfy her customers.

Note: The children in the photo belongs to committee member who are signing for the loan.

In this group: Dora, Fanny, Adriana, Fatima, Susan, Gloria, Mabel, Emigdia, Lourdes, Magi, Nilze, Blanca, Nancy, Glady, Jazmin, Mariela, Mirna, Paulina, Dora

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry-leading, poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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