Reyna, who is 23 years old, is a single mother with a 5-year-old son. She gave birth to him quite young but, nonetheless, she managed to get ahead. It has been 6 years since she began to harvest cacao, plantains, and citrus. It is for this reason that she is requesting a loan to invest in the maintenance and packing of cacao.
In addition, Reyna works as a day laborer on other parcels of land in order to obtain additional income and improve her standard of living, and to increase the comfort of her and her son. She is considered a hard-working woman and possesses a great desire to continue advancing with her son.
Reyna belongs to the "Banksamugari" communal bank, which has 15 members and she has become their leader.
In this group: Filomena, Edi Erica, Gelacio, Alberto, Reyna Isabel, Victoria, Reimunda, Paulina, Edwin Alfredo, Yulber, Agapo, Rosmeri, Lizet, Nancy, Erlinda
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Harold Dana Sims, PhD. View original language description.