A loan helped to buy farm inputs such as fertilizer to enable her to grow more tea crops and use the profits to take her children to school.

Mellen's story

Mellen, a 49-year-old mother of three, is a woman with an unending desire to achieve. She is pictured here in her tea crop farm.

Mellen hails from a remote village in the Nyamira area of Kenya, where farming has been embraced as the only primary economic activity. Mellen has never shifted her attention away from farming but has always worked hard to meet her set objectives. She enjoys generating an income through selling her harvest, which makes her feel accomplished. To her, labour is not a major challenge, but she finds the cost of farming inputs very high.

Before joining Juhudi Kilimo, Mellen could not access loans from banks, as she is a woman and a smallholder farmer. She joined Juhudi Kilimo and learned about loan management and agribusiness. She also got to learn about Kiva.

Today, Mellen is humbly on her knees seeking a loan to purchase farm inputs. With your loan, she will improve the quality of her output. This will boost her income and enable her to pay school fees for her children. Mellen awaits your kindness. She is thankful in advance of you taking your precious time to read her profile and hopes for your help and support.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details