A loan helped to buy more bags of maize and beans to sell during the back-to-school season.

Donah's story

Donah is a married man with 6 children. He resides in Hoima Uganda. He deals in buying and selling agricultural produce, such as maize and beans, and this is his main source of income. He also tailors clothes to earn additional income.

As a father, he is responsible for paying school fees for his children, as well as providing other basic needs for his family. He has a dream of becoming a big agricultural produce exporter, though he faces the challenges of price fluctuation and inadequate capital to expand his business.

Currently, he is requesting a loan to buy more bags of maize and beans to sell during the back-to-school season. The woman in the photo is Donah's wife, who helps him attend to customers.

This loan is special because:

It helps increase the productivity and income of rural farmers in Uganda.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details