A loan helped a member to buy supplies in order to make her cleaning products to sell.

Primavera Group's story

The group called "Primavera" [Spring] was formed in the Curuguaty zone. It is a somewhat dangerous zone, that is to say, a susceptible zone because of the social conflict that it experiences because of the presence of dangerous groups. They comment that they strive to be able to offer better living conditions to their families. This committee formed with the mentality of every member rising up with her family and continuing to improve their environment through the work of every person in their zone.

Señora Delia is one of the members. She makes and sells cleaning products. With this work, she generates income and helps her family to get ahead. She wants the group to help each other in order to be able to achieve each one of their goals. With their work, they can continue improving their environment and obtain a better future for themselves, since the zone is still growing.

She is applying for this loan to be able to buy supplies to make her cleaning products to sell.

In this group: Vigilda, Carmen, Hermelinda, Gloria, Fidelina, Elisana, Dina, Delia, Gladis, Marli, Maria R., Maria L., Vicenta, Alison, Zulema, Emigdia, Dora, Angela

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It’s designed for rural areas with high levels of crime and social conflict.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details