A loan helped to buy a fertilizer and mulch for his banana farm to improve yields and generate more revenue.

Deograsias's story

Deograsias lives in the outskirts of Mbarara with his family. Farming is his main source of income. He focuses on bananas other seasonal food crops. Given that farming is a seasonal business, he also trades produce to supplement his income. This is how Deograsias provides for his family.

He has applied for a loan of 4,000,000 UGX to buy a fertilizer and mulch for his banana farm. This will improve his yields, thereby bringing in more income to support his family. He sends his gratitude to the lenders for the financial support that will improve his farming business.

Pictured is Deograsias (on right) with a credit officer.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers to increase productivity and their income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details