A loan helped to enhance and expand his banana plantation.

Kaisho's story

A. Ruzibiza Kaisho started his banana-selling business thirty-seven years ago in Ntungamo district in western Uganda. With this as his only source of livelihood, he has painstakingly managed to make ends meet, albeit with some long drawn-out seasonal income fluctuations and high labour cost challenges.

With a hard-work ethic in tow, this 57-year-old married and happy-go-lucky father of six has, by and large, kept his business on a consolidated growth course. Kaisho reveals he makes, in a month, close to 480,000 shillings.

Kaisho’s business, in gaining ground over these years, has in effect also meant that his children have been benefactors, especially in their education. His business plan of action for the future is to be able to sell more bananas to an increasingly expanding market. With this loan, he envisages easy progress in achieving his dream.

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