A loan helped to buy: pigs, serum, feed potatoes, feed and to expand her sty.

Yomayra Estefania's story

Thanks to help she has received from Kiva. Yomayra has suceeded in expanding her business of raising pigs. She also had the income needed to cover the education costs of her three dependent children.

Little by little, Yomayra has improved her pig sty allowing her animals to grow healthy and fat in a short time. She wants to continue expanding her business and main source of income.

For this, she is requesting help to buy: pigs, serum, potato feed, feed, vitamins and to further expand the sty. In this way she aspires to continue improving her quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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