A loan helped purchase of basic grains, dairy products, candy, meat, and other products to broaden merchandise.

Carmen Pastora's story

Ms. Carmen is involved in sales. She is 32 years old and lives in the neighborhood of Villa Reconciliación with her family. She has two children who are pursuing their studies, and her husband works as a driver of heavy freight. Several years ago, she managed to start a local store with her own savings and initial financing. This has been her source of income for paying basic expenses and what her children need. With the money that it gives, her husband buys food and covers other necessities. With this loan, she will invest in food to sell, such as basic grains, dairy products, meats, candy, and other products, to improve the demand of her customers. Her plans are to be able to by cabinets to display more merchandise, and to improve the two rooms that she rents, which generate other income and are a great benefit for continuing to increase her resources.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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