A loan helped to develop her vegetable plot.

Kanthi's story

Kanthi is a 29-year-old married woman, living with her husband and two year old child. She is an educated woman.

Kanthi has a vegetable plot in which her husband provides support. She has a lot of experience in this field as she and her husband started the business three years ago. She is a hardworking woman and very happy about her present family situation.

Kanthi and her husband started the business as a very small one, but now it has grown considerably. Her plot has lots of vegetables such as leafy greens, pumpkins, and mushrooms. She can handle the responsibility of managing a family while working very well.

Kanthi is seeking a 20,000 LKR loan from BRAC Sri Lanka to help expand her cultivation. She appreciates BRAC Sri Lanka providing her a loan to help her expand her business.

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