A loan helped a member purchase of buckwheat flour.

Tièssiri Group's story

The Tièssiri group is comprised of ten women, the majority of whom are married and in polygamous families. On average, they are 37 years old and have four children. They all live in Darabougou, a village in the rural community of Sakoiba (4th administrative region of Mali). They know each other through parent, marriage, and neighbor connections. This group of women works with condiments (tomato concentrate, onions, etc.), in the restaurant business, and makes pasta from buckwheat flour, Fatoumata M.'s specialty. In order to meet their customers' needs, they decided to join Soro Yiriwaso; they are asking for their first loan together.
Fatoumata M. has made wholewheat spaghetti with the help of a manual machine for five years. She plans on using this loan to buy 25 kg of flour, 2 kg of salt, and other ingredients. To make spaghetti each day, she kneads 4 kg of flour until it forms a smooth, homogeneous paste. With her machine, she transforms this paste into spaghetti of varying thickness which she dries on cotton canvas mats. The pasta is protected by a light, white fabric for sanitary purposes. The spaghetti is measured with a ladle, bagged, and sent to restaurants.
Fatoumata receives many orders, especially during social events. She stocks up weekly on ingredients at the grand market in Ségou and sells her product from her home and at the market. Her customers are both men and women. She plans on making a monthly profit of 10,000 FCFA which will be used to repay the loan and meet her family's small needs.

In this group: Alimata, Fatoumata, Chata, Koni, Fatoumata, Maïmouna, Kadiatou, Sitan Founé, Sitan, Mah

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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