A loan helped to purchase some wood in order to manufacture doors, windows, and carved wooden products.

Bakhronjon's story

This is Bakhronjon ! He was born in 1968 into a worker's family. He is the married father of three children. He works very hard and tries to provide them with everything they need. Bakhronjon has a carpentry business that he started 20 years ago.
All his income goes to supporting his family. Bakhronjon feels that his carpentry business needs a relatively small investment, though it is true that the profits are also fairly small. He understands that this is due to a few factors, the most important being the range of his business activities, the time it takes to ensure the quality of his products, and his methods of marketing.
Bakhronjon is a returning borrower and has a positive credit history. He is asking for a loan for the third time through Kiva’s field partner. Bakhronjon is planning to purchase some wood to manufacture doors, windows, and carved wooden products, and expand his activity.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of low-income families.

Loan details

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Loan details