A loan helped to buy some construction tools like wooden planks Screws and others.

Ameer's story

Ameer is a 23 years old young man from a village near Jenin city he is working as a freelance in the construction field, where the works are very hard and not stable and sometimes it is dangerous. Ameer Always thinking about how he can improve his family lives conditions. Ameer needs a lot of tools to work independently. He wants to Palestine for credit and development FATEN to request a USD loan this loan enables him to buy some construction tools like wooden planks Screws and others. After Ameer takes a loan he can expand his business and hiring a number of young people with him. Ameer appears in the photo.

This loan is special because:

It targets youth in a region where young people often are unable to find jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details