A loan helped to buy basic grains, milk products, candy etc.

Julia Nora's story

Doña Julia lives in the neighbourhood of Hugo Chavez. She is 44 years old and runs a convenience store which she was able to start several years ago with her own savings and money sent to her from El Salvador by her husband. Because of the difficult crisis in the country, he wasn't able to find work so emigrated to El Salvador and in this way was able to support their seven children. Only three of them are working; the others are in school and have many expenses.

They still haven't managed to complete their house which is made of concrete and zinc sheeting. The inside walls are still made of black plastic and earth--they haven't managed to find the money to improve them.

With this loan Julia will increase the stock in her store. She plans to buy basic grains, milk products, candy, canned goods, cereals, and soft drinks, all of which are regularly asked for by her customers. She will save the profits and use the money to make improvements to the house. Her greatest wish is to have a decent home for her children.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

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