A loan helped a member inventory.

Volver A Empezar Group's story

The Juan Pablo II branch office is one of the largest and is located in the Céntrica zone of the city of El Alto, so many members are able to arrive with ease, now that there is transportation available. The “Asociación Comunal Volver a Empezar” (Begin Again Communal Association) is located here and made up of ten members. This group was recently formed and its members are motivated to grow their businesses. These businesses include cosmetic sales, CDs, clothing, shoes, kitchen utensils, small appliances, and food.

Verónica is 41 years old and is an experienced member. She has been working with different groups for the past 15 years. She is the single mother of two girls and has had her kitchen utensils business for the past 17 years. She brings her merchandise in from Oruro, where she can buy items for lower prices, and sells them on the Tihuanaku Avenue in El Alto. She also tells us that she likes to spend time with her friends and likes the fact that Pro Mujer helps care for her health.

In this group: Verónica, Sara, Helen Zulema, Maria Teresa, Ruth Sara, Lucia, Angel Josue, Mery Griselda, Monica Carolina, Susana Lourdes

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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