A loan helped to purchase spare parts, oils, and lubricants.

Santos Thony's story

Don Santos Thony is 55 years old. He's separated, but from this relationship has two children, now grown up and independent. He lives in the Montecristi Cantón, home of the famous hats made of paja toquilla [Panama hats].

He is a hardworking man who is looking for a way to earn his income and thus give the best to his family. He has a mechanic shop and a store where he sells spare parts for automobiles, oils, lubricants, and more. He specializes in the electronic and computerized parts of automobiles, and he has many customers who always seek him out because he does good work.

The loans are always helpful to him, as this is how he manages to improve his business and the lives of his family members.

This loan is to purchase spare parts, oils, and lubricants. His dream is to have his own location so that he won't have to pay rent anymore.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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