A loan helped to pay for a new roof which will greatly improve the safety and security of Chanta's home.

Chanta's story

Chanta is a strong woman who works very hard to support herself and maintain her home. She has worked as an educator for many years and she takes great pride in the impact she has made in the lives of others.

Chanta has managed to maintain her home on her own through budgeting and planning; however, hail storms have caused so much damage to Chanta's roof that it is in dire need of replacement. She has had to install a tarp on the roof in order to prevent leaks.

Chanta is hoping that SELF and Kiva will be able to provide her with affordable payments to replace her roof so that she can once again feel safe within her home.

This loan is special because:

It helps women homeowners and veterans with poor credit history save energy and money.

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