A loan helped a member buy fruits and vegetables.

Jehova Es Mi Pastor Group's story

The Jehova es mi Pastor Group is comprised of three hard-working, entrepreneurial, and tenacious women who sell vegetables.

Liseth B. Calero is the coordinator of the group. Nine years ago she started selling lemons. With loans she has now been stocking her stand with a greater variety of fruits and vegetables.

Justina del Carmen R. is another member of the group. She sells onions, sweet peppers, garlic, and “achote” (annato, a spice). Jamileth de los Santos S., the other member, sells vegetables like potatoes, pumpkins, chilies, sweet corn, yucca, and “quequisque” (a tuber), etc. They will use the loan to buy seasonal fruits and vegetables.

In this group: Justina Del Carmen, Lissette Carolina, Yamileth De Los Santos

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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