Luis Alfredo is 20 years old and single. He has his certificate in computer applications from the Xerancho state, Tunayac village, Momostenango municipality, Totonicapán department.
He is a responsible person who has worked over four years in different activities that are organized within his community. He has not had any problems with anyone, and he is well known in the community.
He currently works in an Internet center, which is located in the Pologuá state. He provides services to the general population. On the week-ends he studies at the university.
He needs to increase his working capital. That is why he came to the offices of the ASDIR Association of Pologuá. He wants to be able to get a loan for his economic activity and be able to improve his earnings.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish. View original language description.