A loan helped to buy raw materials for her tailoring work.

Anu's story

Mrs. Anu B. is a tailor in the village of Bhakepati, Kathmandu. She lives with her husband, son, and daughter. Both of her children are in pre-school. Her husband, Mr. Suresh B., went to Dubai for work.

Mrs. B. opened her tailoring shop seven years ago. Before starting her own business, she took a three-month training course from a tailor shop near her home. Her specialty is making custom-fitted ladies' dresses, like the Kurta Sulwar (a pant and tunic outfit) which is very popular among Nepali women.

Mrs. B. plans to use the loan of Rs 25,000 to buy tailoring materials for her business. She wants to use the shop's income to improve her family's standard of living and for her children's education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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