A loan helped a member to buy wholesale canned goods, soft drinks, and sweets.

Buen Samaritano Group's story

The communal bank Buen Samaritano belongs to Agencia Alto Lima and comprises nine members who are all friends and neighbors from the same area.

Wendy is the president of its board. She is 34 years old, married, and has five children. She currently runs her own neighborhood store and says she learned the business a long time ago.

The loan she is now requesting will be to increase her working capital. She will use it to buy products (canned goods, soft drinks, sweets) from wholesale vendors in the city of La Paz, which she will then sell at her store. This work allows her to generate resources to support her family financially.

Her goals are to expand her business and to have her own house one day.

Wendy is asking you to trust in her communal bank once again.

In this group: Reynaldo Eduardo , Kenya Winy , Melvi Andrea , Wendy , Reina , Moises , Marlon Armando , Gladys Roberta , Manuel Alejandro

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Sanchis.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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