A loan helped to pay for professional training so this young dentist can become more specialized in her profession and provide better service to her clients.

Lorena's story

Lorena is a young dentist from Elbasan city, hoping for Kiva lenders' support for the first time. She wants to use the loan to pay for training so she can become more specialized in her profession and provide better service to her clients.

Lorena is married. She lives and works with her husband, who is a dentist as well. The couple loves traveling. They try to visit nearby low-cost destinations, which they can afford. In the photo, you can see Lorena in Venice, on one of their trips.

Lorena thanks you all for the support and wishes a prosperous holiday season to all Kiva lenders.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income students access education and pursue a better future.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details