Martha is 32 years old. She is a hardowrking and happy mother. She lives at home with her husband Raymundo who is 38 and her 4 children whom are the drive of her efforts.
Everyday she farms with her husband. With much work she has managed to develop productive land and now grows various products. She also knows all of her products will be of a good quality. They mainly grow potatoes and peas, since those products sell very well in the market. What she loves most about her job is protecting her crops from plagues that can harm them. She has been working in this job for 20 years and the most difficult part is transporting her products to the wholesale market in the city. For the future, she hopes to save up enough money to buy a stand in the market since currently she sells by foot.
This is Martha's seventh loan with MFP. She feels that this loan will help her develop her plans. In turn, she is proud to be a responsible member of her communal bank. The 3000 soles will be used to improve her crops by buying fertilizer and insecticides.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.