A loan helped purchase of corn, sugar and firewood for making "bouillie".

Irène's story

Born in 1964 in Cotonou , the economic capital of Bénin, Irène K. has lived for thirty years in Ekpè in the municipality of Sèmè-Podji. She is married to Christophe HOUNHOUENOU and is mother to four children, all of whom are at school. Irène lives in Ekpè with her children and her husband. The couple shares responsiblity for supporting the family. Having never attended school, Irène has a business selling "bouillie" (a type of porridge) made from corn, on a door-to-door basis. She buys her basic products in Dantokpa, Bénin's international market. She has been carrying out this activity for 16 years and it is the first time she has applied to ALIDé for a loan, which she wants in order to increase her business and make more money.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alison Le Bras.

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