A loan helped a member to buy more cows for slaughter in his butcher shop.

Butogota Group D, Kihihi's story

B. Sulaiman is 39 years old and married with three children. He is the one raising his hand in the group photo.

Sulaiman is a butcher from Butogota central and has been eight years in his business which he inherited from his father. He is able to make 900,000/= as weekly profits yet his other sources of income include farming and bricklaying. He employs men to help with these other businesses.

Sulaiman needs a loan to be able to buy more cows for slaughter. Before this business transformation, Sulaiman was a farmer and a carpenter and he does not regret the move he made. He is such a well behaved man, very disciplined and hardworking, who has also seen his business grow.

In this group: Sulaiman, Steven, Didas, Christine, Boniface, Ernest, Enid, Sulaina, Katrina, Salivani, Elly, Mable, Posiano, Saul

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details