A loan helped a member to buy bangles in bulk to sell.

Nusrat's Group's story

Nusrat is a wife of T. H. and lives in the mid-sized city of Vehari in Pakistan. She has a two-roomed house in which she has lived with her family for the past 25 years. She owns and operates a decorative embroidery business. She prepares embroidered dresses and sells them in the clothes markets. She does this work to share the financial burden with her husband.

Nusrat's husband operates a bangle-selling business. He sells bangles by going to different areas with his cart and announcing his products in a loud voice to attract customers. He sells a variety of bangles, such as steel bangles and colored bangles. He has been in this business for over five years. Currently, he receives an order from bangle shops, which is a great opportunity for him to earn a good income. Therefore, Nusrat is requesting a loan to buy bangles in bulk.

In this group: Nusrat, Sajida, Gulzaran, Parveen Akhtar, Kalsoom

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