A loan helped to connect the house to water and sewerage.

Victor's story

Victor is 33 years old, and married with two children. He works hard in a car service, a job that he does with pleasure to generate income that will change the life quality of his family.

His parents gave him love and wisdom, so Victor became a good person, a loving husband, and a caring father.

Victor's parents are already old and sick, and he is the only support for them. Victor takes care to supply them with food, firewood, and maintenance of the house and yard. As Victor has his family, he cannot visit them very often. However, the parents need to bring water from the well daily, and they have to make a big effort as they have bad feet. To make their lives easier, Victor wants to connect their home to water and sewerage.

Because he has a large family that also needs expenses, he is applying for a Kiva loan and hopes that his parents' house will be connected to the aqueduct.

This loan is special because:

It improves a family’s health through water and sanitation.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details