A loan helped bulk purchases of shoes, clothing and bed covers to fill customer orders.

Ilva's story

Ilva M. D. G. is 62 years old and lives with her husband (also in the photo) in the José Antonio Galán neighborhood of Barranquilla. She sells several types of merchandise, especially footwear, and she is asking for this loan of 2,300 Colombian pesos so she can buy greater quantities of shoes, clothing and bed covers to fill orders from her customers.

Ilva has eight children between 28 and 42 years old, and all of them are working. With her husband's support, she started her business 25 years ago to cover household expenses and contribute to the upkeep of the house. Since 2006 she has been taking out loans from Fundación Mario Santo Domingo. With the four loans she has received, she managed to expand her business. Ilva dreams of having a large variety of merchandise so her customers can find whatever they need. Her biggest challenges are those which come with age -- living from day to day and staying healthy and ready to work. The neighborhood she lives in is a popular area where neighbors help each other and where there are many cultural activities typical of the Caribbean region.

Translated from Spanish.

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