A loan helped increase his merchandise.

Juan's story

Juan is 42-years old, married and has three children. He lives at the edge of the Ayacuchana jungle, in the area of Quimbiri, where he lives in his own house.

For ten years now, he has had a music store where he sells CD’s for all audiences; before, he had a pharmacy shop. He never imagined that his current business would bring such good profits for selling his products. For this reason, every two weeks, he buys new CD’s in large quantities and in a varied assortment to attract his customers quickly and at the right moment. He currently has two locations strategically located in the area, and has an employee that tends one of the stores. In the future, he plans to increase his customer portfolio by expanding into the sales of clothes and home appliances to meet the wide demand of his customers.

This is his third loan with MFP and he is grateful for the benefits provided; for this reason, he is committed to fulfill the established payments; he is also grateful for the trust from his community bank and the good management by all its members.

With the money from the loan, he will buy more classic and contemporary CD’s for the varied tastes and preferences of his customers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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