A loan helped a member to buy second-hand clothes to sell.

Kuña Pyapy Mbarete Group's story

The committee is called Kuña Pyapy Mbarete and it is a group with 23 members. They are in their 3rd loan cycle and all have on objective in common: to help improve their families' living situations.
One of the members, Sara, works selling second-hand clothing. She seeks to buy goods for cash so that she can generate more income.
All the members feel very motivated and promise to continue with the institution so that they can strengthen their families' well-being.

In this group: Lilian, Emilia, Maria, Gloria, Maria, Liliana, Amelia, Idalina, Sara, Gloria, Beatriz, Elizabeth, Visitacion, Cecilia, Mariel, Graciela, Josefina, Ana, Norma, Marisel, Maria, Ana, Lida

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alison Hynd.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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