A loan helped purchase additional product to sell.

Lucia's story

"Lucia E. is a 48 year-old woman living in the town of Yardahan, Basay, Negro Oriental. She is married and has 7 school-aged children. To make a living, Lucia owns and operates a a sari sari (general) store in the local community. Lucia has been engaged in this business for over 20 years and earns approximately 10000 Php a month.

In 2007, Lucia joined NWTF to gain access to financial services to help improve her living situation and ability to engage in business activities. Lucia has successfully repaid a previous loan of 15000 Php from NWTF. Lucia is now requesting a new loan of 17000 Php to purchase additional products to sell. The loan will be the 9th cycle loan taken out by the borrower from NWTF. Lucia plans to use the additional revenue generated from the business to pay the tuition fees of her children.
About NWTF:
In a world full of challenges, Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation, Inc. has answered the calling of not just of a few but thousands of women. Through the alleviation program, these women have progressed from earning less than a measly $1 a day, to surpassing the realities beyond their dreams. They have learned to live a life where they can finally be called honorable. This is Project Dungganon."

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