A loan helped to buy packets of notebooks, boxes of pens, coloring pencils and felt-tips.

Mandimby Haingosoa's story

Haingosoa would like to thank you for her last loan; it enabled her to buy a printer so she could offer this service in her cybercafe. The daily turnover has slightly increased. The revenue from this business has allowed her to cover the main household costs and make reparations to her shop.

Haingosoa would like to develop her business further. At the beginning of the school year, school and office supplies sell well (equipment which will also be used by customers at the cybercafe) which is why she is seeking another loan to buy packets of notebooks, boxes of pens, coloring pencils and felt-tips of various brands. Her aim is to buy some land to build a house to rent out later on.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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It supports entrepreneurs in Madagascar with a full suite of financial services.

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