A loan helped a member purchase baked goods, dairy products, canned goods, pasta, rice, and cooking oil.

Divino Niño Jesus Group's story

The “Divino Niño Jesús” group was created in December, 2008. It is comprised of 23 women from the San Antonio neighborhood in the city of Mariano Roque Alonso.

They are primarily dedicated to the sale of basic goods such as cooking oil, milk, soap, toilet tissue, among others. They are profoundly grateful to KIVA and the Fundación Paraguaya for the opportunity offered to them.
One of the group members works in a store she operates from within her house (selling products for home use). She sells all types of products in her store and she, herself, runs the business with the help of her family. They try to run it in the most efficient manner possible as it helps them cover their housing expenses.

She is requesting a loan in order to purchase more goods for her store, such as rice, pasta, dairy products, and baked goods, among others.

In this group: Catalina, Mirtha, Felipa, Graciela, Daysi, Petrona, Claudia, Lucia, Romualda, Petrona, Ada, Concepción, Maria, Maria, Maria, Romina, Rosalina, Liliana, Lida, Margarita, Carolina

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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