A loan helped a member to buy fingerling to raise in the fish pond.

Muong Phang 17 Group's story

Mrs. Oi, 32, lives with her husband and a daughter in an old traditional Thai house. They rely on agricultural production for a living. Because of the instability of agriculture, they diversify their activities to include crop cultivation and animal husbandry. They grow rice and vegetables, and they breed chickens, pigs, and fish. They always want to expand production to improve the income.

This is the sixth time that Mrs. Oi has taken out a loan from the program. She will use the loan to buy young fish and food for them to expand their fish farming operations. She hopes that this investment will be prosperous so that she can significantly improve the income for the family and better support her kid. She dreams her family will be more abundant and that they will soon escape from poverty. She stands first from the right in the picture.

In this group: Oi, Chung, Eo, Hai, Inh, Muon, Dan

This loan is special because:

It provides financial and other support to families living in vulnerable communities.

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