A loan helped a member to buy pipes for a water supply system.

Aguateria Emanuel Group's story

The Emanuel Water Supply Service is owned by Felix and his wife. It has a total of 2469 customers, and it supplies this vital liquid to more than five neighborhoods and communities in the region. It has ten wells and five tanks. It is quite a large water supplier, and Felix wants to improve it in order to expand his service to more customers.

Felix is a self-sacrificing person who started out with little, but he has been able to improve, grow, and continue adding more customers every day. He is seeking this loan to buy pipes in order to improve his supply system and be able to reach more customers. He is thankful for this opportunity, which will be of much help to him.

In this group: Felix, Maria

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Rachael Koev.

This loan is special because:

It finances communities to dig wells, build pipelines and install water meters.

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