A loan helped a member to buy milk, sugar, and other items.

Pan De Azucar Group's story

These members belong to Pan De Azucar Group, a communal bank.

The featured member is Maximiliana, a lady who is 51 years of age, has 4 children, and is single. She engages in business by running a grocery store. The member has been in this business for a good while, and it is going very well for her, thanks to the effort that she puts into it every day. She is a responsible and hardworking person, this being the way in which she is getting her family ahead.

Maximiliana requests the loan in order to buy milk, sugar, and other items.

The members in general feel grateful for the loan granted to those who are in the group, and they commit to duly making their installment payments at the established time.

In this group: Aleluz, Justina, Maximiliana, Nieves, Nicolas, Carmen

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It uses a group-lending method to reach low-income borrowers.

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