Aurore Plus is a Community Bank made up of 24 members all united for the same goal: to grow their businesses by loans received from Kiva through IMF HOPE RDC.
The members' chairwoman is Jiji, who runs a general store and sells used clothing. She began her business in 1992. After hard work and good management, she succeeded in making it thrive thanks to the accumulated profits. She intends to expand it with the next loan by adding pieces of fabric and replenishing the store’s stock by buying cans, soaps, sugar, beans, rice, etc. The business gives her a profit of $250.00 every month. Jiji is 41 years old, married and the mother of 7 children, whose ages vary between 3 and 20 years old. Five of them attend school.
In this group: Jiji, Boniface, Emilie, Thérèse, Jacquie, José, Nina, Rose, Philomène, Annie, Marie, Faustine, Nsamba, Miriame, Judith, Ange, Malundama, Julia, Niclette, Israelle, Luvuasi, Maurice, Nancy, Elisa