A loan helped to buy manure and pay labourers.

Hector Manuel's story

At 55 years old, Hector is a tireless worker who looks out for his family. He makes a living growing coffee. The business opened in 1989 with a view and desire to enjoy a better life. Hector’s salary at the time was not enough to cover all household expenses.

Hector is working very hard to expand his business. He needs some extra capital to push forward some plans that he has in mind. Hector is therefore applying for a loan in order to buy manure and pay labourers.

Hector’s biggest dreams are to buy a house to share with his family, to generate jobs, and to have a sustainable lifestyle.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in remote regions.

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