A loan helped to pay for university tuition so that she will be able to complete her study and achieve her goal of becoming a lawyer.

Farzona's story

Farzona is a witty and smart woman from Kumsangir, Tajikistan. She is 25 years old, widowed and lives with her parents in a house. She works in a company and is respected by her colleagues. She has a low salary.

Farzona is also a fourth-year student at the university, studying to be a lawyer. She is a responsible and excellent student who has a great desire to progress in life. She is asking for a loan from KIVA’s partner IMON to pay for university tuition so she will able to complete her study and achieve her goal of becoming a lawyer.

She depends on your help and support!

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to access higher education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details