A loan helped to pay children's school fees.

Aliyu's story

Aliyu is married and lives with his family in a remote village in the northern Nigerian state of Kaduna. He is a hardworking maize farmer who works on his farm every day.

This harvest season, Aliyu will receive a cash advance, known as a harvest advance loan, which is equal to the price of maize at harvest. This allows him to meet the costs of pressing needs, such as paying school fees.

Furthermore, Aliyu will get crucial harvest support, including renting a threshing machine, which will eliminate the common practice of using family labor. This will save him and his family 30 hours of manual labour per 100kg bag of maize, allowing more time for his children to study.

Babban Gona will also support Aliyu by storing the harvested maize to sell later in the year. Now, Aliyu does not have to forfeit making a profit by selling his maize at low harvest prices.

With his loan, Aliyu will be able to pay his children's tuition for a higher-quality education in order to secure a high-paying job in the future.

This loan is special because:

It supports smallholder farmers and helps them increase yields.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details