A loan helped to purchase weed-killers such as Gramoxome.

Juliana's story

Juliana Haine T. is 35 and married with 2 children. She owns a business venture, planting & harvesting taro for sale. Juliana Haine has 1 year of experience in this business. Juliana Haine needs a loan of WST $1000 to purchase weed-killers such as Gramoxome. She plans to use the earnings from her business (estimated to be 300 talas or US $125 per week) to improve/expand the business. Juliana is joining the program to request a fund for developing her business for the sake of her family financially.

You can view pictures of a typical plantation in Samoa, taken by a Kiva Fellow, at: http://picasaweb.google.com/agnes.p.chu/SamoanPlantation

In 2010, Juliana Haine joined SPBD. This is her 1st loan with SPBD. SPBD's loans are Juliana Haine 's only access to capital because she was never able to qualify for a loan with traditional banks.

The following social metrics for Juliana Haine T. are provided by SPBD*:
Overall Social Metric Score: 1.6 out of 3
Level of Education: 2 out of 3
Level of total Household Income: 2 out of 3
Quality of Household Assets: 2 out of 3

*SPBD measures the living conditions of each of its borrowers to track her loan progress. The overall social metric score, provided by SPBD, is based upon a number of factors, such as the condition of the house/household assets, health, education, income level, and family reputation. A higher number represents a higher score. For example, a ""3 out of 3"" on education would mean that the borrower has graduated from university; a ""2 out of 3"" = secondary/high-school, and a ""1 out of 3"" would mean that the borrower is uneducated.

For more information on this score, please see SPBD's partner page at: http://partners.kiva.org/about/aboutPartner?id=15

About SPBD
In 2000, Greg Casagrande founded SPBD and since then, it has expanded from the main island of Upolu in Samoa to Savaii, as well as Tonga. SPBD's philosophy of lending is based upon the Grameen Bank lending method.

Please join SPBD's lending team on KIVA to receive on-the-spot updates on SPBD: http://www.kiva.org/community/viewTeam?team_id=8375

Loan details

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Loan details