A loan helped to buy more stock for his hardware shop.

Ayub Kanithi's story

Ayub Kanithi N. operates a hardware shop at Muguga trading center. The shop is strategically situated along the busy highway. He has been doing this as his primary business for the last two years now.

Ayub is 25 years old, married and a father of one child. His wife Jacqueline is a business woman.

Ayub learned about KADET through some friends who were already members. He will be accessing his second loan with KADET and has not borrowed from other financiers.

Ayub wants to add more stock in his hardware shop. Although Ayub’s hardware shop is fairly new he hopes to relocate it to a bigger and more spacious building. This will enable him to stock more items frequently needed by his customers.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details