A loan helped to stock more fabric and other dressmaking supplies to increase production of gowns.

Loy's story

Loy, 44 is a single mother of 3 and supports other dependents. She is a permanent resident of Wakiso district where she is known for supporting helpless children. She has a gown studio in Kampala. She is a very good tailor having neat garments with a good eye for vibrant colors. She is specialized in graduation gowns as well as other garments.

As a single mother, Loy works so hard to take good care of her family. She mastered hands-on activities in fabric construction and universities contract her for all graduate student gowns. Her good quality work attracts corporate customers and her business name is now visible for the 8 years she has been in the business.

Due to the high demand of gowns, her capital is unable to serve the current market and she is now seeking a loan of 3,000,000 UGX to boost her business. She believes Kiva can back a dream for a woman entrepreneur like Loy.

Thank you.

This loan is special because:

It provides financing to underserved borrowers.

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