A loan helped to buy day old chicks, starter, finisher, drinker and feeders for her poultry business.

Ellen's story

Ellen is a 52 year-old married woman and mother of four children. They live in a rural community outside Honiara, capital of Solomon Island.

She runs a small poultry business, raising chickens to sell eggs and meat in her community and at the market to earn a living. She has been in this business for three years.

Ellen has requested a loan to pay for additional day old chicks, starter, finisher, drinker and feeders to assist her with her business.

She plans to use her profits to provide financial support for her family and grow her business.

She joined SPBD in 2015 to gain access to financial services.

This loan is special because:

Its goal is to reach financially excluded and underserved people.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details