A loan helped a member to buy guinea pigs and chickens and also animal feed.

Sr De Qoyllority Group's story

The members belong to the Sr. de Qoyllority communal bank, situated in the district of Urcos, part of the Quispicanchis province and Cusco region.

Angela is in a common-law marriage and is 48 years old. She has 8 children. She makes a living from breeding animals. She raises guinea pigs and chickens. Her dream it to expand her business.

Angela is seeking a loan in order to buy guinea pigs and chickens and also animal feed.
The child in the photo is the borrower's child and she wanted him to appear in the picture.

The other members make a living from raising animals, selling firewood, a grocery store and a restaurant.

Angela is grateful for the loan and is committed to meeting her fixed payments.

In this group: Benedicta, Enriqueta, Angela, Gregoria, Saturnina, Flora, Marco Aurelio, Soledad, Faustino, Sheila Katerin, Victoria, Andrea, Luz Sandra

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elaine Berry de Pulido.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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